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You can Partial Payment amount for this booking. Required to pay 30% upon confirmation which is fully refunded if the booking is cancelled 61 days prior to arrival. The remaining balance of 70% to be paid 45 days prior to arrival. Note that if you booking this tour, and the departure is in next 20-1 days, You need to pay full amount of this booking. Should a last minute booking be requested, it will be deemed you agree that you are bound to make the full payment within 24 hours or Arrival day by cash.


$ 7,210
$ 3,600
  • Adult
  • Child

You want to see the largest herd movement of animals on the planet? The great migration classic Tanzania 10 days safari If you want to see the largest herd movement of animals on the planet and also visit the best national parks in northern Tanzania, this is the perfect itinerary for you. The focus during this trip will be on the western part of the Serengeti, where the Great Migration crosses the Grumeti River from June to October. The herds of wildebeest and zebra must outsmart the huge Nile crocodiles and fast flowing water before facing predators waiting on the other side.

Serengeti Wildebeests Migration is a display of natural wonders with over two million wildebeests, zebras, and antelope traveling over 450 miles across the plain to ensure their survival, unaware that there’s danger presented by the stalking lions and cheetahs among other predators of the wildlife. Witness huge crocodiles of the Mara River as they wait for the herbivorous to cross the swollen Mara river and enter into Masai Mara Game Reserve from Serengeti National Park. The wildebeest migration river crossing in August moves north, passing through the Lobo area (north of Central Serengeti National Park) and the Wagakuria area (remote northern Serengeti National Park along the Mara River) en-route to Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Reserve



10 Days

9 Nights

Tour Type


Group Size



English, Germany, Spain


  • Location, Tanzania Mara River
  • Places to Visit, Arusha,Mara Serengeti,Ngorongoro
  • Type of Tour, Private Safari in Luxury Style
  • Number Of People 2-6 Pax per car 
  • Availability Date June to October 
  • Arrival in Kilimanjaro International Airport 

Popular Features

A vid photographers

Can Be Customized

Luxury Tour

Private Tour

Walking and Cultural enthusiasts


  • Meet and Greet service at Kilimanjaro International Airport
  • Park fees as per itinerary
  • Scheduled flights as specified in the itinerary including applicable taxes
  • Scheduled road transfers as specified in the itinerary
  • Airport transfers (pickups up and Drop-off as indicated in the itinerary)
  • 24/7 support from our ground team for the duration of the packag
  • Unlimited Game drive mileage
  • Meals (as per the itinerary)


  • International flights
  • Travel insurance & Medical Insurance
  • Tips to Guides or other services rendered (Highly recommended)
  • Services not mentioned in the itinerary

Travel Itinerary

Day 1

Welcome to Tanzania

Whatever your arrival time at Kilimanjaro International Airport, Our  driver-guide will be waiting for you with a warm welcoming smile. Kick back and relax in your comfortable vehicle as he takes you to your hotel in Arusha, Tanzania’s self-styled ‘safari capital.’ On your one-hour journey to the hotel, you will get a brief impression of this large, bustling, commercial city. Depending on your arrival time, you may have your pre-safari briefing today; if not, it will take place early tomorrow morning. Accommodation Today will be in African Tulip Hotel Arusha town that will be booked for bed and breakfast.

  • 5 Hours
  • Dinner
Day 2


Unless your arrival time yesterday allowed time for your safari briefing, then this will take place after breakfast. We will provide you with all the essential information, before we set off to the airport for our flight to the Northern Serengeti to begin our Migration Safari. From our arrival airport, we make the journey to our accommodation for our lunch, already enjoying some wildlife-spotting on the way. After lunch, our adventure begins with an afternoon game-drive. In the late afternoon, we return to your accommodation for our evening meal and our overnight stay. Welcome to the Serengeti! Journey: Flight from Arusha to Northern Serengeti We start our journey with a short drive to Arusha airport, followed by a 2 ½ hour flight to the Kogatende Airstrip in the Northern Serengeti. The Northern Serengeti is a land of open woodland, extending from the Seronera in the south to the Mara river in the north, marking the frontier with neighboring Kenya. During your time here, you can get to grips with a whole new set of exotic names: Bolongonja, Kogatende, Lamai and of course, the legendary Mara river. We are now following in the footsteps of the Great Migration, great herds of thousands of zebras and wildebeest getting ready to cross the Mara into Kenya, and back again. On a daily basis, crossings cannot be guaranteed, but our driver-guides know the most likely places to witness them, one of Nature’s most awe-inspiring sights. Patience is required! And if you’re not lucky enough to witness a crossing, there’s always tomorrow; and in Northern Serengeti, plenty more to see today. Accommodation today  is Mara Under Canvas with all meals.  Mara Under Canvas is the closest camp to the river Mara where each year enormous columns of wildebeest cross the river, negotiating the jaws of the hungry crocodiles, in order to get to the pastures on the other side in what could be considered the climax of the Great Migration. This luxury temporary camp is open from June to November. It allows visitors to be in the proximity of the Great Migration and to be able to explore remote areas and the beautiful settings of Seregenti with a large amount of resident fauna. The camp has only ten double tents and a family tent which assures the intimacy and exclusivity of this intense experience.

  • 4 Hours
  • Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner
Day 3-6


If you’re lucky these days, perhaps a rare, black rhino might cross your path…but even if not, we might witness a river crossing as wildebeest seek out the greener grasses on the other side. Morning Safari (Game Drive) in Northern Serengeti. As you awake for a second day in Northern Serengeti, you can contemplate that parts of this northern area can easily match the Southern Serengeti for the abundance of wildlife viewing, especially between July and October. After your breakfast, you will embark with your driver-guide on a full-day game drive, looking out for elephant and buffalo, eland and gazelle. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to spot something really special: perhaps a cheetah, or even a rare black rhino, of which a small population are resident here. Afternoon Safari (Game Drive)Daily  in Northern Serengeti, Depending on what your driver-guide found for you yesterday and this morning, this afternoon we’ll set out to see something new. If a Mara River crossing has escaped you, perhaps the conditions this afternoon will suggest that a crossing could take place. Our driver-guides have intimate knowledge of where and when they might occur. As well as the migrating herds, the Northern Serengeti is an area where you might easily see giraffes, elephants and dik-dik: with many resident species, there’s never a dull moment. All nights in this days with meals will be in Mara Under Canvas

  • 6 Hours
  • Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner
Day 7


Journey: Northern to Central Serengeti After breakfast, and a morning game-drive in the north, we set off for our next destination, the Central Serengeti, a journey of around 155km with an expected time of around 5 ½ hour. There will be plenty to see on the way. On arrival, we take lunch and have an afternoon game drive. Day’s Highlight As we reach the Central Serengeti, you will soon realize why this is often known as the ‘wildlife hub’ of the Serengeti. There are animals everywhere, graceful, quirky, and dangerous. Safe inside your vehicle, you will see them all here. Your driver-guide will find you a highlight. Morning Safari in Northern Serengeti/ Afternoon Safari (Game-drive) in Central Serengeti Before leaving the Northern Serengeti, we take the opportunity this morning to enjoy another game drive in this incredible location. This allows us further time to wonder at the migratory herds and the dangers and challenges they face each year in their battle for survival. As well as the herd animals, you can look to the skies, perhaps finding a majestic martial eagle or one of the other birds that populate this area. As well as the thousands of migrating animals, this area also has a good population of resident wildlife, so you will never be disappointed. In the afternoon, we take the 5-hour drive to the central part of Serengeti, where after lunch a game-drive will introduce you to this busy area. Finally, you will go to your chosen accommodation for relaxation and your evening meal. Accommodation  today will be in Melia Serengeti Safari lodge

  • 6 Hours
  • Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner
Day 8


Today, we set off from our accommodation in Central Serengeti. Wildlife is abundant here: sometimes you may think it has come to find you, rather than the other way around. Today’s highlight is unknown, as the animals don’t publish their schedule (!) We will be looking for wildlife of all species, but as this area is where bushland meets grassland, it is a favorite spot for big cats looking for prey. Cheetah, leopard and lions are all possibilities today. Morning and Afternoon Safaris in Central Serengeti National Park Waking up in the Serengeti is something really special. Sights, sounds and smells of Africa are all around us, and ahead is a full day of adventure in the world’s most famous national park. After breakfast, we start today with the morning section of our game drive in Serengeti National Park, marveling at the stunning scenery, ever changing light and always entertaining wildlife, all explained to you by your expert driver-guide. The Seronera River weaves its way through this area, providing waters for all species of wildlife. You will also see the distinctive rocky outcrops, the famous kopjes which characterize the Serengeti landscape. Lunch will be an unforgettable experience, enjoyed in the middle of the bush. After our lunch, we set off again, searching for wildlife in this awe-inspiring park. Serengeti’s wonders evolve subtly as the day progresses. The myriad animals and birds are the ‘stars of the show’ and Nature’s dramas can unfold at any time. Of course, the animals don’t work to a timetable, so we may find lion or leopard, elephant and zebra, cheetah and antelope at any time on our drives. At the end of the afternoon, we return to the camp for dinner and some much-needed rest. You will stay again in melia serengeti with all meals on this day.

  • 6 Hours
  • Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner
Day 9


Today our adventure takes us out of the Serengeti National Park and leads us to another of Tanzania’s true wonders, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. With its wildlife-filled crater, Ngorongoro may be difficult to pronounce, but with its wildlife-filled volcanic crater it is easy to admire. Unsurprisingly, this is yet another of our country’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Journey: Serengeti National Park to Ngorongoro Conservation Area After a morning game drive and lunch, this afternoon we will head south-east towards Ngorongoro, a distance of 145km which will take us around 3 ½ hours. Today, we will get our first sight of the spectacular, incomparable Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest intact volcanic caldera and the heart of the Conservation Area of the same name. But before that, we have another morning game drive in the amazing Serengeti, marveling at its animal inhabitants. Another day of adventure, another day to enjoy the wildlife. Safari in Central Serengeti National Park After our morning game drive, perhaps trying to find any animal that has – until now – been elusive enough to evade your eagle-eyed driver-guide, we head south-east towards Ngorongoro. If it has not already struck you with its vastness, Serengeti’s ‘endless plains’ will certainly now make a deep impression on you as we take the long, straight road which passes Simba Kopjes (famous from ‘The Lion King’) to reach Naabi Hill Gate, close to the divide between Serengeti and Ngorongoro. Here you can gather information at the gate’s visitor center, clamber up the hill for superb views back over the plains, or look out for a colorful agama lizard among the rocks. You will stay in Serena Ngorongoro on this Day with all meals.

  • 6 Hours
  • Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner
Day 10


Journey: Ngorongoro Crater to Kilimanjaro International Airport After our morning visit to the incomparable crater – see below – and then lunch, we will have a 5-hour journey, covering the 250km back to Kilimanjaro International Airport. Like nothing else on Earth, the stunning crater of Ngorongoro is a unique home for many, many species of Tanzania’s wildlife. With some luck, you may even see a black rhino here. Safari in Ngorongoro Crater, From our accommodation, we set off after breakfast, a 6am departure to reach the rim and then descend into the vast crater itself. At one side there’s the Lerai Forest, a classic mountain forest landscape with almost tropical characteristics. This is good elephant country, so keep your eyes peeled. By the side of the nearby swampland is what is sometimes called the ‘elephant graveyard’ as the mighty male tuskers at the end of their lives come to chew on the soft, swampland grasses once their teeth have failed them. The crater has a population of around 120 lions, with well-defined territories; 15,000 wildebeest, 9,000 zebras, 400 hyenas, and around 50 black rhino. Many wildebeest and other herd animals are resident, benefiting from the many sources of year-round waters and are boosted by some migrators in season. Buffalo, Thomson’s gazelle and eland are also present in numbers. Hippos can be found in pools and swampland and highland birdlife is colorful and plentiful around the waters. Flamingos can often be seen in Lake Magadi, which occupies part of the crater floor.

  • 6 Hours
  • Breakfast , Lunch
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Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s clarify your confusions. Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions which most of our client asks.

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Looking for more info? Send a question to the property to find out more.

When and where does the tour end?

Your tour will conclude in Arusha on Day 10 of the trip. There are no activities planned for this day so you're free to depart at any time. We highly recommend booking post-accommodation to give yourself time to fully experience the wonders of this iconic city!

When and where does the tour start?

Day 1 of this tour is an arrivals day, which gives you a chance to settle into your hotel and explore  Arusha City. The only planned activity for this day is an evening welcome meeting at 7pm, where you can get to know your guides and fellow travellers. Please be aware that the meeting point is subject to change until your final documents are released.

Do you arrange airport transfers?

Definitely we have airport pick up and drop up facilities for our clients who have booked our full packages tour. We are also pleased to inform you that we don’t charge for the pick up and drop up facilities. Actually it’s free of cost. But for this you need to provide the arrival time and date

What about the local language? Do we need guide services everywhere?

We provide English speaking chauffeurs for individual tours. For group tours, English speaking tour escorts would accompany the groups. During sightseeing involving historically important places or monuments, we provide English speaking local guides who are well knowledged in history and culture. We could even provide guides who speak French, German and Japanese, only on advanced booking

Is tipping included in the tour cost? If not how much should it be for the trip?

Tipping is not included in any of our packages and it is left the discretion of the travellers. Though not compulsory, tipping is expected by one and all involved in the service industry. We would recommend carrying small change in your pocket. Tips to Guides or other services rendered (Highly recommended)

Do you accept children on this tour?

We accept children of all ages to travel on safari and believe it is a wonderful experience for families to travel together. For children to make the most out of their travels, we suggest looking into one of our special family itineraries. We have car seats available for very young children. Please bear in mind, some of the accommodation have minimum age restrictions, so please inform us of the age of your child/children.

Tour Terms & Conditions

  • All rates are subject to availability and may change without notice.
  • Single supplements may apply.
  • Request a quote or speak to one of our African Safari Experts for the best, most current rates available.
  • Our rates are per person sharing unless we note differently. Please treat all pricing as a guide only
  • Required to pay 30% upon confirmation which is fully refunded if the booking is cancelled 61 days prior to arrival.
  • The remaining balance of 70% to be paid 45 days prior to arrival.
  •  Funds can be paid through Credit Cards and bank Transfers